Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Amazing Nieces

My sister has two daughters. When I lived with their family, in their basement, I thought it would be fun to do something special with each of them. With her oldest daughter, I went to sing at a nearby rest home occasionally. We would meet up with a group that I would sing with at that rest home in college. She was so fun when we went. She liked to sing but she also liked scaring the ducks in the pond outside - this cute young lady, pretending to have bread, then when they were close enough, she would yell "Ahhh!" and chase them :-P We would wait far off and she would say, "Wait for it... wait for it... now!" I think we gave them bread maybe one time when a nice elderly lady shared some with us. We would also do things like have snowball fights before or after the singing. When we sang, she would stand on a chair and look over my shoulder at the song book. The elderly ladies would always fawn over her, especially when she did some Irish dance for them. They would tell her that she could be their granddaughter. She would be a little embarrassed and say that she already had grandparents. Other fun things they had in that rest home were a large bird cage and aquarium of tropical fish. While waiting for my friends from college to arrive, we would watch the birds or the fish. We named all of them and she would usually remember all their names from one time to another. Fun, fun times.

Well so I heard from my sister that they went to a rest home up in Oregon as part of a summer camp, she and both daughters. When they got there and were with a large group of residents there, my oldest niece said, "I think we should sing." :-) So they sang, "I Am a Child of God."

Then later, my sister and younger niece were visiting with a lady in her own room, someone who had with her a little doll that she held as though it was her own baby. My young niece said, "Mom, I think we should sing." So they sang "I Am a Child of God" to this sweet lady.

I was told there were no ducks at this rest home though :-(